Chapter One :Chapter 1

Migumi’s POV


I squeezed myself in the corner of the bed as soon as I heard his thundering voice.

Fear instantly covered me.

Shaking, I watched the moving shadows in the small gap below the door. I could hear his stomping footsteps outside. I could smell his familiar scent getting closer. He’s going to enter the room!

“MIGUMI!!!” he roared, glancing first at the bed like he already knew I was going to be there. I frightenedly looked at him.

His face softened upon seeing my face.

“My love…”

His tone changed.

I started to panic when he began to walk towards me. I tried searching for anything to use as a weapon to protect myself but the only thing I was able to grab was a pillow.

What will I do with this?

My face contorted in agony as I clutched the large scratch on my sides, teeth gritted and eyes squeezed shut against the sharp waves of pain. I got this while I was on the run to escape his pack.

My guess is this isn't the only wound siphoning blood from my body right now.

Ten werewolves hunted me earlier.

Each of them having their own fair share of scratches and bites on my poor Omega body.

No one would have survived that chase.

I’m surprised that I’m still alive.

“You fooled me…” I murmured weakly, dying from the terrible pain.

The man standing in front of me, wearing nothing but a white towel covering his lower half, stared down at me. He was in the shower when I carried out my plan. He must have been so frustrated with my escape that he had forgotten to wear his clothes. It was the only time when his guards would leave us alone in the room so he could have fun with my body privately.

I knew I had to grab the chance to flee, running past the guards as if my life depended on it. I thought I had it until my legs decided to betray me.

My foot snagged on a log and that's how they captured me.

The hint of betrayal in his eyes made me flash a sarcastic smirk on my face.

“You have disobeyed me, my love.”

I insultingly chuckled in spite of the throbbing pain in my body.

“Oh, good Lord. Haven't you had enough with your lies?!”

Alpha Cyrus crouched to level his face to mine. I scowled when he lifted his hand to touch my face. He caressed them gently like he didn't order his guards to kill me a while ago.

“You're hurt, my love. I will call the pack healer to treat your wounds…” he said, pretending to not hear me.

I scooted my face to the other side as he leaned in for a kiss. He’s doing it again. He’s acting like nothing is wrong. I’M DONE PLAYING HIS GAMES!

Offended, he squeezed my cheeks and forced me for a disgusting kiss. He bites my lower lip, giving me a metallic taste of my own blood.


Using my tied hands, I used all the strength I have left to push him away.

“JERK!” I blurted.

He recoiled in disgust when I suddenly spat in his face. I smirked in triumph. He deserves that—


A surge of shock coursed through me as his forceful slap made contact with my face. It felt like my soul just left my body for a few seconds.

Alpha Cyrus is the strongest werewolf in the pack and his slap should have killed me by now. He’s not a pack’s leader for no reason. Even his slightest touch could kill someone. So, how am I still fucking alive?

I spit out the blood from my mouth.

“You are crossing the line…” he snarled.

He’s still going with his lies. I can really see that he had already convinced himself in the lies he had created.

“I—I know the truth…” He arched his eyebrows in confusion. Look at him acting all innocent. No wonder why I fell for his lies for three years. He is so good at lying that I really believed I had found my mate. “I—I know that I am not your true mate.”

He looked away.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” he firmly denied.

Of course, he’s going to deny it, but why can't he look me in the eyes? He’s clearly lying.

“I heard everything…”

My revelation killed the emotions in his eyes. I wouldn't say it if I wasn't sure but I heard the truth from him… from her.

“How could you do this to me, Alpha? How could you lie about us being mates?”

It came out from his own sister’s mouth.

Tara revealed the truth.

I was so excited about the upcoming celebration, thinking that he’d finally announce me as his Luna, but it turns out to be just a mere welcoming party for a visiting werewolf prince. He was never going to introduce me because I was NEVER his mate!

“I heard you talking to Tara. I heard you say that I’m nothing but a pawn to satisfy your own desires. You never had any intention of making me your Luna. I was just a toy for your amusement!” I raised my voice. He stared at me nonchalantly. He looks like he had already anticipated this day to come. “You deceived me…”

I looked at him disgusted.

All those years I spent with a fraud like him. I was naive and stupid to call it love.

“You’re overreacting…” he scoffed, not a glimpse of guilt in his eyes.

He is still trying to act dumb about all this.

How many times do I have to tell him that I overheard him talking with his sister about how he deceived me? I saw them with my very own two eyes. What makes him think that I’m going to stay?!

“And you're just a lunatic…” I gritted my teeth.


I groaned after he slapped me again.

One more slap and I might just lose my head.

But nothing hurts more than knowing the truth and realizing that you’ve been living in a lie.

He furiously squeezed my cheeks and forced me to look at him. “I FUCKING SAVED YOU!” His voice thundered, reverberating off the walls. “You would have been a rogue’s meal in that dark forest long ago hadn't I arrived to save your useless life!” he frantically rebuked. I weakly held his hands that were almost crushing my skull. His muscular frame is dominating me!

“L—Let go of me!” I clawed desperately at his arms, but his grip only tightened.

“You think another pack will accept you?”

My own pack banished me after I failed to transform at sixteen. It was a standard I wasn't able to meet and so my people branded me as a failure. They all had me expelled, leaving me to die in the dark forest alone.

I was a poor orphan and no one would care even if I die, but Alpha Cyrus found me, claiming that I am his mate. I was dumb, so I believed him and now lucky me—I’m about to die in the hands of the same person who once saved me.

“Y—You should have just left me there to die.”

His face darkened.

He tossed my face aside frantically.

I was a fool to believe his lies but can you blame me if the only way a pack would recognize me is if I have a mate?

Only transformed werewolves like Alpha Cyrus can find their mates. That's why I believed him when he told me that I was his match. I thought that I already have a mate even if my transformation was late. I thought I found my destined mate early, but it only brought me more suffering.

“Leave you to die? You're never leaving me, so you better stop thinking about escaping again…” he said with a hint of warning in his voice. I flashed a crazy smirk on my face.

“Y—You think this is the last time that I will attempt to escape? This is just the beginning.”

His face twisted in anger.

Alpha Cyrus narrowed his eyes at me, a flash of mixed irritation and amusement flickering across his features before he composes himself once more.

“You think you know everything. But you’re just a pawn in a much larger game,” he said meaningfully. My heart sank as I felt the weight of his words rained over me. He’s not even sorry of his lies. He even sounds proud. “All of you are the same whiny piece of accessory I can easily replace as much as I like. I’ve already rejected one mate, and I’m just waiting for the right opportunity to find another. You were merely a temporary distraction until then.”

My fists clenched into a hard rock.

“You really think I love you, don’t you? Well, I have to give it to you. You’re a good fuck with a pretty face but you’re never going to make it into the Luna position,” he added, crushing the shattered pieces of my heart once more.

“You may see me as nothing more than a pawn in your twisted game, Alpha. But mark my words, you will never be loved again. May every relationship you pursue turn to ashes. All that you long for would crumble to dust and you will wallow in the emptiness of your own deceit!!!” I said, almost like chanting a curse upon him


A low growl escaped his lips. He seemed to be very unhappy with what I said. I was already preparing myself in case he raises his hand to hurt me again, but the next thing he said left my eyes wide in horror.

“Take her to the dungeon.”

Instantaneously, two werewolves entered the bedroom, seizing me, their grasp like iron shackles around my wrists. I strangled but only hurt myself in the process. I knew from that moment that I’m doomed. It's harder to escape in that enclosed dark prison.

“Make sure she remains there until the werewolf prince's departure," he added, his voice a low growl of warning. "We cannot afford any disruptions during

his visit.”

And as they dragged me out of the room, my mind raced in desperate thoughts of escape.

I can't stay here for longer.

I have to find a way to get out of here.

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